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What Everyone Should Know About Macular Degenerati...
Age-related macular degeneration, often called ARMD or AMD, is the leading cause of vision loss amon...

Long term exposure to Harmful Blue Light (or HEV light – high energy visible light) has been linked to increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss in adults. Harmful Blue Light is visible light waves between 415 and 455nm, which are in the blue-violet range. This light comes from all around us, the sun, artificial indoor light and digital devices (cell phones, tablets, computers). To protect your eyes against this potential damage we recommend blue light protection. This protection can come in a few different forms. Smart Blue Filter is Essilor’s CLEAR lens option, with blue light embedded in the lens, leaving the lens clear in color and appearance. This reduces Harmful Blue Light exposure by at least 20%. Crizal Prevencia is Essilor’s No-Glare option that combines Crizal’s proven anti-glare technology with Harmful Blue Light protection also provides at least 20% protection from Harmful Blue Light. Combining the two options brings Harmful Blue Light protection to 30%.

Another option is Transitions Adaptive Lenses, which provide between 20% Harmful Blue Light protection indoors and 85% Blue Light Protection outdoors, in addition to 100% UV protection.

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